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رویداد کیبورد metaKey

مثال (رویداد کیبورد metaKey)

Find out whether or not the "META" key was pressed when a keyboard key is pressed:

var x = document.getElementById("demo");
if (event.metaKey) {
    x.innerHTML = "The META key was pressed!";
} else {
    x.innerHTML = "The META key was NOT pressed!";

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تعریف و کاربرد

The metaKey property returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the "META" key was pressed when a key event was triggered.

Not all keyboards have the meta key. It is common for Sun microsystem keyboards, and MIT and LISP machine keyboards. The meta key is either labeled "META" or marked with a solid diamond "◆" symbol.

On Mac keyboards, the META key is represented by the the "Command/Cmd" ("⌘") key.

Note: This property is read-only.

پشتیبانی مرورگرها

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نحوه استفاده


جزئیات تکنیکی

مقدار برگشتی A Boolean, indicating whether the "META" key was pressed when the key event occured.

Possible values:

  • true - The meta key was pressed
  • false - The meta key was not pressed
DOM Version: DOM Level 2 Events

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